Turtle releasing

Activity Troncones


Ecological Troncones

The camp protects the different sea turtles species and nests, they also keep the beach clean to benefit and conserve the ecosystem.

The volunteers are visiting every morning and night the camp preventing people or animals from removing eggs or destroying the nests to allow a wide production of these.


  • Technical advisor: Juan Carlos Rosas Cruz


High season
July – February

Low season
March – July

  • Releasing every month
  • There’s 1000 females average per year (approx) most of them are three different kinds: Golfina, Prieta and Laúd, each female lays 3 times a season in different clutches.
  • An average of 80,000 eggs are collected per year, which 85% are successful hatches.

The program begins at 4:30 p.m. starts at Roberto’s bistro restaurant, there are also Liberations during the morning from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. in the morning depending on the season of births.

Turtles are given to you in a container so you can release them into the sea, you’ll be able to take photos and videos taking care don’t step on them.

By participating, support for volunteers, ATV spare parts, training courses and supplies that are needed.

If the turtle camps continue to be supported, more than 60% of the clutches will be protected. If they have more support, definitely a lot of nests will be rescued.


  • Night tour.
  • Turtle releasing.
  • Bird, iguana and crocodile watching.
  • Village tour.
  • Adopt a nest.
  • Social service.
  • Volunteering.

Sea Turtles in Mexico

It can be considered that there are 7 or 8 species of sea turtles

In Mexico, nesting beaches can be found for all species except one. The turtles that nest on Mexican beaches are the following: